Sunday 24th Oct 2021 : 30th Sunday in Ordinary time

Holy Cross Church Catford
Holy Cross Church Catford
Holy Cross Church Catford
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Sunday 24th Oct 2021 : 30th Sunday in Ordinary time

Published by AFAN in News · 23 October 2021

208 Sangley Road, Catford, London SE6 2JS
Fr Antony Megalan Sellam [Parish Priest] – 02086983672

Parish Contacts
Parish Office is Open
(Monday and Friday)
10am - 3pm
020 8698 3672
Josepha Flahive  
Lisa O’Hara  

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Holy Cross  Bookshop, 020 3441 8240

Holy Cross School
[020  8698 2675]
Miss Mary Collins

St Vincent De Paul [SVP]    07835 188411
Safeguarding  Line 07598 524024
Pat Barber and Kate Cleevely - [email protected]
Third Thursday Time TTT
Hartley Hall [Tony Early]
Culverley Road, SE6  2LD

Newsletter matters to be sent to [email protected] by Wednesday

Sunday 24th Oct 2021 : 30th Sunday in Ordinary time

You can find the Readings from here

Linguistic and Cultural Fellowship (LCF):
Our parish is blessed with many people who speak different languages and are from different cultures. It is amazing that we come together to adore and praise God. We would like to form Linguistic and Cultural Fellowships so that we can encourage people to pray together in their own cultural ways, and to establish communion between them. It will be also helpful to us to find people for various ministries in our parish through these fellowships. They will help our parish in different ways. For example, they will:- Help us to find needy families so we can support them, Celebrate their cultural/national feast in Holy Cross with their traditional liturgical taste, Coordinate celebrating International Days, Assist with school applications in case we find it difficult to recognise families… May we ask you to find representatives of your culture/language and let us have their names please.

Fr Antony

  • Please Remember: The month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary

  • Parish Office: (Open Wednesday and Thursday this week): 02086983672

  • Holy Cross Manna Mission: As we plan to begin our Manna Mission in our parish in November, all who have given their names to help are requested to gather in the Hall after the 11.30am Mass on Sunday 24th October. It becomes a need of the time. The rising energy bills and food prices, and the cuts in universal credit, unemployment...fills the life of poor families with much suffering. As the furlough scheme is over now, the effects of the Pandemic is felt in those families who are in need. We need to do something in our parish/society. Please do join the meeting and share your opinions.

  • MISSIO: This weekend’s Second Collection is for Missio, the Church’s official organ for the support of foreign missions. The collection taken on World Mission Sunday goes in its entirety to support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor, and Missio ensures that resources are distributed equitably and justly on the basis of need.

  • We plan to begin the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the Mass every Tuesday from this Advent.                                                              

  • Harvest Festival: Our sincere thanks to the children of Holy Cross School who celebrated their Harvest Festival on Wednesday. They brought in a wonderful array of goods that will be distributed to families in need. The food items brought by the children are shown in the photo above.

  • First Holy Communion, Confirmation :Please do visit the corresponding webpage for the latest information

  • RCIA: Welcome also to those practicing Catholics interested in sharing their faith with others, and those NEW to the Catholic Church who are interested to learn more. The RCIA program will continue from the first Saturday in October through to next June 2022. You are all most welcome to come along to Hartley Hall each Saturday after the 6:30pm Mass and find out more - Refreshments and enrolment forms will be available.

  • Catechises, Formation and Evangelization Teams in Holy Cross: anyone who would like to join these teams, please contact Fr Antony.

Please take a copy of the Newsletter home with you - please do not leave it in the church. Thank you.


URGENT: COVID-19 Update-> Holy Cross Church is OPEN
COVID SECURITY GUIDELINES : Following the recent changes(Monday 19 July) in the regulations from the Government, the parish has issued updated guidelines for continued safe and covid-secure worship in the church.The latest document is Covid-19 Route Map - Step 4

  • Please note that the Mass times have been reviewed : See below (Mass Times and Intentions)
All the Masses will be live-streamed:

  • Covid Rules Updates: As the cases of covid-19 and flu are increasing, please make a note of the following: If you have any symptoms, please stay at home and watch the Holy Mass via livestream (the link is Angelcam | Live video from Holy Cross Stream camera ( ) Please wear a face mask, unless you are exempt; Please sanitise your hands as you enter and exit the church; Please ensure you keep sufficient distance between yourself/ves and the people in front of you during the Comunion procession (a Welcome Ministers will assist) We won’t be taking any details for track and trace at this time.

  • Welcome Ministers: As the number of Covid 19/Flu cases are expected to rise during the winter, let us now be ready to safeguard our people in our church. Along with welcoming the people, we will issue the parish newsletter wearing gloves, and ask everyone to sanitize their hands as they enter/exit the church. We shall guide parishioners up for Communion as in the past, and after Mass will sanitize the benches and areas frequently touched. Could I ask all Welcome Ministers to remain in Church after Mass for a short meeting. Many thanks for your commitment and sacrifice.

  • The Holy Mass is offered everyday  via Livestream
  • Diamond Club Magazine is available here

Copyright © Holy Cross Church - Catford 2022

Site created by AFAN
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