Sunday 14th Aug 2022 : 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
208 Sangley Road, Catford, London SE6 2JS
Fr Antony Megalan Sellam [Parish Priest] – 02086983672
Parish Contacts
Parish Office is Open
(Tuesday and Thursday)
10am - 3pm
020 8698 3672
Josepha Flahive
Lisa O’Hara
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Holy Cross Bookshop, 020 3441 8240
Holy Cross School
[020 8698 2675]
Miss Mary Collins
St Vincent De Paul [SVP] 07835 188411
Safeguarding Line 07598 524024
Pat Barber and Kate Cleevely - [email protected]
Third Thursday Time TTT
Email: [email protected]
Hartley Hall [Tony Early]
Culverley Road, SE6 2LD
Email:[email protected]
Sunday 14th Aug 2022 : 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary
You can find the Readings from here
At the end of its Constitution on the Church, the Second Vatican Council left us a very beautiful meditation on Mary Most Holy. Let us just recall the words referring to the mystery we celebrate today: “the immaculate Virgin preserved free from all stain of original sin, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, when her earthly life was over, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things” (no. 59). Then towards the end, there is: “the Mother of Jesus in the glory which she possesses in body and soul in heaven is the image and the beginning of the church as it is to be perfected in the world to come. Likewise, she shines forth on earth, until the day of the Lord shall come” (no. 68).
This hymn of praise is like a “photograph” of the Mother of God. Mary “rejoices in God because he has looked on the humility of his handmaid” (cf Lk 1:47-48). And let us pray to her now that she may accompany us on our journey that leads from Earth to Heaven. May she remind us that the secret to the journey is contained in the word humility. Let us not forget this word, and that lowliness and service are the secrets for obtaining the goal, of reaching heaven.
Fr Antony
Please take a copy of the Newsletter home with you - please do not leave it in the church. Thank you.
- Repository (church shop) We will be opening the church shop after all weekend Masses, and are looking for a responsible person from each Mass to run it. If you are interested and are able to help please contact Gracey George or Fr Antony.
- Mass Intentions: There are several unfilled slots for Mass Intentions going forward. If you wish to have a loved one remembered or celebrate another occasion please let the Parish Office know at 02086983672 [Tuesdays and Thursdays] or [email protected], or fill out a brown Mass Intention Envelope which is available in the side porch, and hand to any of the Welcome Ministers.
- PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND: Many thanks for your prayers - we had a blessed and prayerful time in the Holy Land. We remembered you all whenever we offered the Holy Mass in different places of the Salvation History. The photo on the left(See Newsletter )is the birth place of our Lord in Bethlehem. It was a little warm at this time of the year but it never became an issue for us to visit the places and pray. Visiting the Annunciation Basilica, the Mount of Visitation, Nativity of the Lord’s church in Bethlehem, Church at Cana, renewal of our Baptism promises at the River Jordan, boating on the Sea of Galilee, offering the Holy Mass on the Mount of the Beatitudes, walking the Stations of the Cross, visiting the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre and Calvary… great memories to cherish throughout our lives. We hope to visit the Holy Land again.
- School Signing In: If you have children of school age who require a parish priest reference for their school application, please note that from Saturday 21st May you will need to complete the signing in sheets that will be available at the school side entrance only, every week after.
COVID SECURITY GUIDELINES : Following the recent changes(Friday 10 dec) in the regulations from the Government, the parish has issued updated guidelines for continued safe and covid-secure worship in the church.The latest document is Guidances for Churches December 2021
- Please note that the Mass times have been reviewed : See below (Mass Times and Intentions)
All the Masses will be live-streamed:
- With respect to the current situation with the omicron variant it is important to ensure the following points are followed in our churches:
That people displaying any symptoms of covid-19 should stay at home and not travel to church or participate in person.
- The Holy Mass is offered everyday via Livestream
- Diamond Club Magazine is available here